The Chinese government released eight stamps featuring the Pune-based, internationally acclaimed yoga guru BKS Iyengar during the China-India yoga summit held in Guangzhou between June 17 and 19,2011.
The three-day summit which was held inside one of the gymnastics stadiums used for the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou saw the yoga guru teach yoga techniques to a total of 1,300 students, which comprised 950 Chinese and the rest, a mix of nationalities from across the world. The spirited, 92-year-old yoga guru displayed a child like enthusiasm when he recalled the three day event. He said, “Most of the students were below 30 years of age. This made me very happy as it proves that yoga is followed by the younger generation.”
At the end of the three days, the Chinese students had tears in their eyes as they thanked Guruji for his lessons.”